What Are Oxygen Products and Accessories?

oxygen tank

Even though healthy individuals and animals can absorb oxygen from the atmosphere, people with respiratory trouble cannot always do that. These individuals often require oxygen to breathe easily. Various kinds of oxygen products and accessories are available in the market for people with breathing problems and patients under critical care.

Even though oxygen products and accessories are one of the most important medical products that we should be aware of, for most of us the idea of living with supplemental oxygen therapy can be a foreign concept. In the following section of this article, we will impart information regarding oxygen products and accessories to acquaint us with them.

How can I Choose the Right Oxygen Products?

Choosing the right oxygen product and equipment that suits your need is always forthright.  Opportunities in every oxygen, generating, containing, and delivering instrument are unique to the condition and purpose it is intended, facing the challenge of choosing the right product. The patient alone can't determine which kind of oxygen equipment or product he or she will need. Choosing the right type of oxygen equipment should be done after you consult with your oxygen supplier and healthcare service provider that originally prescribed. The goal is to select oxygen equipment you can wear without hindering your usual activities.

You should consider the following factors before you run off to start laying your hand on the next product that comes to your horizon.

  • Amount of oxygen you need during activity and at rest.
  • How often and for how long will you need to leave your house? Whenever you are traveling.
  • The activities you will be doing while you are out and about, such as dancing, eating walking. Since some actions require more energy than others. An increase in energy expenditure also results in increased oxygen demand.
  • Your endurance level and strength.
  • Your personal preferences.

Type Of Oxygen Equipment

Three types of oxygen systems are currently available in the market. They are portable oxygen concentrators, compressed gas, and liquid oxygen systems.

Among these three, the compressed gas system has a stationary concentrator you can use at home. The equipment also comes with a small oxygen tank you can take anywhere. The liquid oxygen system has a stationary concentrator and an ambulatory tank that you can take outside your home. On the other hand, a portable oxygen concentrator is an ambulatory device and a stationary concentrator, depending on the circumstances.

Compressed Gas System

As mentioned, it comes with a small oxygen-filled tank that your oxygen supplier regularly delivers to your doorstep. Fill the tank depending on the amount of oxygen you require. You can also use your at-home concentrator to refill the tank at home. Use these oxygen tanks with the help of oxygen-conserving devices, which help you to regulate the flow of oxygen according to your requirement. This control helps keep the oxygen supply last long without hampering your comfort.

Liquid Oxygen System

This system has a small, refillable tank you need to feel from the oxygen reserve when required.

Portable Oxygen Concentrator

It is a very small, electrically operated device you can carry in your backpack. The concentrator runs on electricity or a battery which you can recharge anywhere. With the oxygen concentrator by your side, you do not need the help of oxygen tanks or any other requirement while using it.

Oxygen Conserving Device

From the name itself, you can easily understand that an oxygen-conserving device is an equipment that makes the oxygen supply last longer. This conserving device only lets the oxygen flow when you need it. Not every oxygen-conserving device offers the same amount of oxygen. That is why you need to test the oxygen saturation level while you are in a resting position and while you are busy doing active things. It will help you to determine whether the OCD you are using is delivering enough oxygen.


You will require the help of several accessories to use your oxygen equipment. The most important additions are listed below.

Nasal cannula

It is used for delivering oxygen through the tubing. The end tube of the nasal cannula fits inside of your nose. It is one of the most common accessories used for oxygen delivery.


Oxygen masks are often used for fulfilling oxygen requirements.

Humidifier bottle

A higher setting of oxygen can dry the inner lining of the nose. The humidifier attached to your oxygen equipment can help prevent this kind of dryness.

Now that you know the various oxygen equipment and accessories, it will be easier to determine which of these you want for yourself. It is always better not to decide on your own. Consult with your physician and oxygen supplier to determine which oxygen equipment suits your needs.

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