use case for an Orthopedic or Walking Support Boots?


Mobility becomes a major problem for individuals with toe or leg problems. It requires sufficient rest for such people to heal and return to a normal lifestyle. But the patient can still carry out routine tasks using an orthopedic boot without adversely affecting the injured foot or ankle. Whether it's an ankle sprain or foot fracture, now, with the help of walking support boots, one can easily walk around and do daily activities.

Depending on the health conditions, the podiatrist prescribes different types of boots, such as tall walking boots and small boots. But choosing the right kind of boot is crucial to get healed in a short time.

 What is an Orthopedic Boot?

The orthopedic or walking boot has become popular for treating injuries, fractures, or foot breaks. Walking support boots are designed to immobilize the ankle and foot and are chiefly used to prevent the movement of specific injured parts to enhance effective and quick healing.

  Types of Walking Boots

Orthopedic boots are designed to heal different conditions or foot problems, so they are available in varying shapes, sizes, and types. These boots permit the user to keep the foot safe and hold it in place while walking so that the user can move around independently.

 Following discussed are the chief types of walking support boots.

  Short Walking BootSuch boots are designed to cover toes up to the ankle or lower calf. It is specifically for injury, fracture, or other conditions that affect the foot, heel, or ankle.

  Tall Walking Boot

 This boot covers the leg from the ankle and foot to mid-calf. It is designed to heal injuries that affect the foot, ankle, and calf. These are well-cushioned boots with tight wraps and a harder outer boot layer.

  •  Hard Cast Bottoms

Unlike short and tall walking boots, hard cast bottoms do not directly play any role in healing the injured foot. But it is used to prevent any damage to the hard cast of the foot. These rugged boots help avoid scuffing of the cast during daily activities.

  •  Air Cast Walking Boot

These walking boots provide higher comfort and support than traditional boots. It acts as a hard and walking cast, giving the user more freedom than a hard cast. Its design promotes fast healing and enhanced mobility.

 Health Conditions Which Requires Walking Boot

Different foot conditions require varying types of walking support boots so the user can get sufficient support.

 Choosing the right type is extremely important, as the wrong one can adversely affect the injured lower limb. That is why it is recommended to consult a podiatrist to find the most suitable option.

  1.  Heel and Foot Pain

Heel pain can be caused by tension on the plantar fascia. Orthopedic boots provide support for the fascia to rest and heal. It can be worn for 7-14 days, depending on the pain severity.

 To reduce the ball of foot pain, the rocker in the sole of the orthopedic boot works so well that it helps mitigate the pain and improves faster healing.

 In both cases, the user can opt for either a short or tall walking boot, preferably the latter one, as it doesn't irritate the shin.

  1.  Foot Tendonitis

Posterior tibial tendonitis and perineal tendonitis are caused by tension in the tibial and perineal tendons. Using a boot for at least 2 weeks initiates the healing process.

 Tall walking boots should be recommended for tendon inflammation of the foot. Additionally, arch support inside the foot is of great help in mitigating posterior tibial tendonitis.

  1.  Sprained Ankle

The injured ligament of the sprained ankle can be healed by using a cast boot for the first few weeks of the injury. It is suggested to use the tall walking boot for this purpose as the short one doesn't provide the necessary support.

 Due to the immobilization offered by walking boots, the orthopedic will recommend the next step after the initial stage of healing.

  1.  Metatarsal Stress Fracture

Repeated injury or stress of the long metatarsal bones that join the ankle to the toes undergo stress fractures. The medical or orthopedic boot provides support that leads to quick injury healing.

 Using tall walking boots for about 2-4 weeks usually works. Metatarsal bones are connected to the muscles in the leg. For this reason, tall boots limit the motion of the leg hence keeping the whole structure immobile.

  1. Ankle Fracture

Similar to the foot fracture, ankle fracture also divides into different categories. After assessing the injury, the doctor suggests the walking boot a user requires.

 Generally, in such cases, tall walking boots are the best choice. The podiatrist could recommend it for 3- 8 weeks or more, depending on the type and severity of the fracture.

  1.   Broken Foot

Foot fractures may be of different types that require a specific type of walking support boot. Consult the podiatrist about the boot that perfectly fits the user's needs.

 Around 3-8 weeks are enough to heal a broken foot bone. A tall walking boot works best as it limits mobility by preventing foot and leg movement. It avoids any damage to the leg muscles attached to the foot.

 How to Wear a Walking Boot?

The user must sit before putting on the short or tall walking boot. Insert the heel into the back side of the boot. The next step is wrapping the straps around the foot and leg. Remember to avoid over-tightening as it will cause redness and swellings. Tight straps might interfere with the normal flow of blood, which in turn causes swelling.

 Examine the foot regularly and allow some breathing to your foot. But all of this should be done after consulting with the podiatrist.

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