15 Best Home Medical Equipment Used Post-Surgery


Planning will help you recover faster, easier, and even less painfully if you undergo surgery. The recovery process varies from surgery to surgery and even from person to person. 

Making arrangements before you leave for the hospital can make your first few days at home less stressful and calmer. It depends on the surgery you undergo if you can and cannot do certain things during your recovery. 

Your physician will provide instructions on this in advance. For someone who underwent appendectomy, instructions will be very different than those who underwent weight loss surgery.

It is worth noting, however, that most patients feel better after " taking it easy" for a few days following surgery. It takes about a few days for most surgery patients to truly begin to feel their normal level of energy and to be able to function normally without having to rest and sleep.

Most people are unaware that, although familiar surroundings are ideal for recovering, they're unsuitable for people with limited mobility or advanced healthcare needs. It is a good thing these products are available to help you feel more prepared for hospital discharge as a patient or caregiver:

Hand-held teacher after surgery

Having just undergone surgery may restrict your range of motion. Trying to reach high or low things can become challenging and even painful if you have this problem. Using a hand-held reacher will make picking up daily items like remote controls, pillboxes, or food containers much easier.

Medical Transport wheelchair

The upper-body strength of a patient following a surgical procedure may not allow the person to push the chair by themselves. In some cases, caregivers may not be capable of supporting someone trying to walk. 

The transport wheelchair vive health is similar to a wheelchair because it helps your whole body weight, alleviating pain and preventing injury. However, transport chairs especially are lighter and more portable than conventional chairs and are designed to be pushed by an attendant or companion. 

They are typically used during short trips or errands to accommodate this. Before choosing a transport chair, you should consider how often you need full-body support. 

An assistive device like a transport chair could prove useful for older adults who can still walk with walkers or rollators but cannot walk far distances or tire easily.

Due to their lack of self-propulsion, transport chairs are usually not the best option for people who need full-body support and do not have a caregiver to push them. 

While wheelchairs are more suitable for those users, transport chairs like the Sky Medical Supplies transport wheelchair can also be useful. This gives you an easy alternative to fold and lift while traveling or on a day out.

Bedside commode

The device can be raised to its highest position to make it easier for you to transfer from the toilet to your bed. You place the bedside commode next to your chair or bed as soon as you get into bed at night. 

When more mobile patients use the device during the day, some devices have splash guards instead of buckets placed over the top of the toilet.

Blood pressure monitors

In the following days after surgery, your physician may recommend that you carefully monitor your blood pressure to determine how efficiently the body moves blood.

Having low blood pressure and having high blood pressure both carry risks. In the event of low blood pressure, you or a loved one may be more likely to experience a fall after surgery. As well, high blood pressure increases the risk of cardiovascular events.

By measuring your blood pressure several times daily or daily, you can ensure it is within normal limits.

Rinse-free bath wipes

The ability to bathe can also be limited following surgery due to a limited range of motion. Make sure you have plenty of bath wipes if this issue arises, especially for bedridden individuals and caregivers. 

Rinse-free wipes aren't just for cleaning. Their purpose is to cleanse sensitive areas and serve as a body wash, shampoo, and soap.

Bath bench

Having a bath bench in your home is useful anytime, but it can be especially useful following surgery. There are several obvious benefits. Users can rest comfortably on the court rather than stand in the shower uncomfortably as they bathe. The ease of getting up from a seated position is also preferable to lying in a bathtub.

Adult diapers with tabs

A common side effect of certain surgeries, such as prostate surgery, is incontinence. Many ways exist to manage incontinence in a comfortable and dignified manner. 

People with mobility restrictions or who need protection at night should use adult diapers with tabs if they cannot get to the toilet in time.

Bath grab bar

A bath grab bar, like seats and benches, can also help make after-hospital care easier at home. As you step in and out of the tub, the bars parallel the bathtub, providing stability.

Medical tape

Having medical tape at home is also beneficial for use after surgery. This tape is inexpensive and can help you secure any dressing or device that needs to stay in place.

Wound dressing

Dressing a wound left open after surgery is also essential if you want it to heal properly. With petroleum jelly dressings, wounds are kept moist and allowed to heal normally, which prevents infections.

Extra pillows

After surgery, the patient must find comfortable sleeping and sitting positions.

Gait belt

A gait belt makes it easier for caregivers to support and guide their ambulating patients.

Walker or rollator

Patient recovery is more comfortable using these products, which assist with walking balance.

Hibiclens soap

The soap serves as a means for cleaning wounds. In most cases, the hospital will send some of the medication home with the patient.


Both caregivers and patients need to wear gloves when controlling infections.

Bottom line 

It is important to consider the patient's well-being in addition to the product. At first, patients recovering at home may spend up to 24 hours a day in a single room following discharge from the hospital.

Next, think about the caregiver. Do they need to remain in the recovery room for a while? Because of their pain level, the patient might need assistance getting on and off the bedside commode for the first two weeks.

It is important to take it easy after surgery; being overtired or participating in strenuous activities could delay your recovery. You can suffer from pain, a slower recovery, and even injury if you push too fast or too hard when returning to your normal activities.

The patient's well-being and quick, healthier recovery are aided by setting and meeting small goals during recovery from surgery.

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