Infection Control In Medical Devices Such As Wheelchair And Power Scooters

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The proper cleaning and disinfection of a wheelchair is crucial for extending the life of the equipment and keeping it looking new for as long as possible. However, it is also vital to prevent the spreading of bacteria and viruses like COVID-19. Considering how easily this virus can spread, Sky Medical Supplies has recommended some essential measures to prevent its spread, including frequent handwashing, thorough surfaces, and cleaning products we use daily. Due to the increased time spent outdoors, wheelchairs must be swept and disinfected more frequently.

The following tips and guidelines will help you prevent virus transmission by disinfecting your wheelchair daily.

How to clean and disinfect a Power scooter rental?

Cleaning vs. Disinfection

The first thing you want to remember is that cleaning differs from disinfecting. Cleanliness removes dirt and germs from surfaces but does not kill them. Removing them decreases the number of germs and the risk of spreading infection.

On the other hand, a wheelchair or power scooter rental is disinfected using chemicals that kill microorganisms like bacteria. These chemicals do not necessarily clean dirt off the surface. The reduction of infectious diseases can be further improved by killing germs on the surface after cleaning.

In this regard, you should keep your wheelchair clean and disinfected with a unique surface sanitizer. Virucidal and bactericidal labels are displayed on these products. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure proper use and disinfection.

Tips and recommendations for cleaning your wheelchair

If you visit a public place such as a supermarket, you should always wash your wheelchair.

Surfaces that come into contact with a disinfectant solution should be treated. Clean with wipes containing at least 70 percent alcohol, or wash surfaces with store-bought disinfecting answers. At least 15 minutes are needed for the sanitizer to work. Once the surface has been cleaned, it should be rinsed with an aseptic cloth followed by a cleaning with a wipe.

You can clean an electric wheelchair joystick by dampening it with a cloth and diluting sanitizer.

Rinse all surfaces thoroughly with clean water after disinfection and dry completely. Do not forget that wheelchairs can be damaged if they are not properly dried. When cleaning any chair component, it is best to use a damp cloth, not a wet one.

Avoid using solvents, bleaches, abrasives, synthetic detergents, wax enamels, or sprays.

More information on cleaning the wheelchair controls can be found in the instructions.

Ensure that armrests, handles, and other components that users and caregivers touch are often disinfected.

Here's a list of the most important aspects of a wheelchair.

Critical components of a wheelchair or Power scooter

After visiting any public place, thoroughly cleaning the entire frame is strongly recommended. However, some features and accessories, such as the cushion, the armrests, and the hand rims, are particularly susceptible to viral contamination.

Front and rear wheels wheelchair: 

Your wheelchair's wheels are directly in contact with the ground, making them a breeding ground for bacteria. You should always perform a cleaning routine upon returning home, even when not undertaking daily disinfection. Before using a disinfectant on a mobility chair, confirm it is safe. Soapy water and a thorough cleaning are also recommended. Ensure not to hose off or expose your electric wheelchair to direct water.

Handles: Wheelchair handles are one of the main sources of virus transmission because many hands touch them, thus facilitating the spread of infection. They must be sanitized for this reason. Bactericidal and virucidal are labels on these products.

Armrests: The armrests are also frequently touched and should be sanitized with a surface sanitizer if possible.

Joystick and hand-rims: The joystick on electric wheelchairs and the hand-rims on manual wheelchairs must be disinfected when cleaning a wheelchair. Despite their proximity to our hands, these elements can contain many germs.

Cushion: Our bodies are in contact with the seat and the back cushions. Sweating and rubbing can lead to the growth of bacteria. Use a sanitizer to disinfect it, and leave it for about 15 minutes before using disposable paper or a cloth to dry.

Using other support devices such as crutches or canes requires following the same recommendation and disinfecting the frequently touched areas, especially when used in public areas.


As a leading provider of medical supplies in Denver, Colorado, Sky Medical Supplies is dedicated to maintaining the highest level of cleanliness. In this day and age, customers, employees, and business partners need to know the steps we take to ensure their health and safety.

Quality products and excellent customer service have always been Sky Medical Supplies' hallmarks. Our number-one concern has always been the cleanliness and safety of our wheelchairs. With EPA and CDC-approved disinfectants for use against COVID 19, we have acquired electrostatic sprayers to deep clean our wheelchairs before and after each use.

Rental office: We have implemented new safety procedures at our facility to protect our employees' and customers' health and safety. Each time we interact with a customer, we disinfect the desk. 

Customers and agents are separated by plexiglass. Floor markings indicating social distancing, face masks required, and sanitizing stations.


Deliveries are now made with face masks and gloves on as a security measure and as part of our social distancing protocol. We deliver mobility scooters to hotels in compliance with hotel policies. We sanitize and package them so no one will touch the high-touch areas except the customer.

Final words

It's our fight together, so let's not lose sight of that. Our top priority is customer, employee, and business partner protection and safety. We would be pleased to serve you with our scooter rentals in Denver! Contact Sky Medical Supplies to get your highly safe, clean, and infection-free power scooters. 

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