sky medical golden Golden Technologies products.

Get your Golden Technology Rental now. 

You can't go wrong with a Golden lift chair with Twilight Technology if you want to relax, unwind, and ease your body and mind. A headrest with superior lumbar support is one of the other vital features. You will be provided with the most comfortable positions with these golden lift recliners. The perfect angle is easily found with these lift recliners.

Enjoy the comfort of this power positioning lift recliner while you elevate and circulate. The patented motor system from Golden allows for various rejuvenating positions and power lumbar support and headrests. Elevating one's feet above the heart and experiencing a sense of weightlessness are health benefits. You can use it to watch TV, sleep, and recover from surgery.


Product Description 

Customers who wish to rent a wheelchair in Denver will find this equipment exceptionally light and easily adjustable. Furthermore, these wheelchairs come with fully adjustable armrests that can flip back, so the user doesn't have to transfer to a chair after pulling up to a table. eliminating the need to There are adjustable push handles, so whoever pushes will not be forced to slouch. In addition, its removable wheels enable you to quickly put it into any vehicle of any size and take it on a ride around town. 

Get your desired wheelchair now.

You can choose from different wheelchairs and transport chairs on the market. If you decide to buy a wheelchair, it will take up more space than other items outlined above. In this way, wheelchairs and transport chairs are better suited to renting if they will only be used temporarily. They are also frequently rented out. Low-priced rentals are available for people who do not have other reasons to purchase a wheelchair or transport chair. 

Upright walker 

Sky Medical Supplies provides Standing Upright Walkers that are sturdy, lightweight, and compact. Each walker weighs just twenty pounds. Hand brakes with dual locking, contoured armrests, and removable travel bag included.



The upright walker aids mobility by eliminating shoulder and neck tension and allowing the user to look forward.


For navigating inclines and locking the wheels in place, loop hand brakes assist in adjusting the handles for a customized fit.


The lightweight walker is easy to store in compact spaces or car trunks with its easy folding design.


Designed with a lightly padded seat and a backrest for comfortable, on-the-go seating


The upright walker supports a weight capacity of 300 pounds and is lightweight and durable for easy transport.


A padded shoulder strap and a hook and loop closure make the upright walker storage bag easy to secure and remove

Get your upright walker now. 

In most cases, it does not make sense to buy a walker. You may have to get a temporary walker rental if you find yourself in an emergency. A museum trip could be one example. It is essential to know how much a pair of basic walkers costs. It is about the same price to buy a primary walker as a pair of crutches. It is common to rent rollators, or walkers with wheels, for vacations. You will be able to navigate in and around your home or your travel destination with ease if you're planning to move around. You are assumed to be traveling for only a short time in this case. As a result, it would be helpful if you considered purchasing one when you plan on using it for a long time.

Lift chair 

Product Description 

Lift chairs resemble standard reclining chairs. A single button allows you to switch between an upright and reclined position. Those with limited mobility or balance issues are ideally suited to use these since they are ideal for transitioning from a seated to a standing position.

Available in variable weight capacities - 375 lbs,500 lbs


  • Luxurious recliners and easy chairs are built into them
  • Controls should be simple
  • The mechanism for lifting chairs mechanically
  • With the chair reclined, the footrest automatically rises.

Get your desired Lift chair now.

It can be mentally, physically, and financially challenging to recover from surgery or an illness. Changes in your routine and living arrangement will be necessary. Temporary lift chairs can help you ease back into everyday life after an injury.

Finding medical recliner rentals near me may seem strange if you have never looked for them. Many people wonder whether it's even an option, much less easy to do. You'd be surprised at how common that is. Sky Medical Supplies, a reputable medical supplier near you, can provide you with a high-quality lift chair rental.


Cambridge Small Medium Power Lift Chair Recliner

MSRP: $1322

The Cambridge lift chair is new and improved! We’ve re-designed the backrest to give it a more supportive design and re-sized both lift recliner models to better fit more people. The PR401-SME is the small/medium recliner style.

Product Overview

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